Richard's Consti & Theory Blog

This is where I post my (fairly random) thoughts on issues I come across in Constitutional Law, and in Legal Theory more generally. I need to make clear that the contents of this Blog are no-one else's responsibility (except where law dictates), and that no trees died in the making of this part of the blogosphere. I may try to be witty ...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Beginning of the End ?

Saying that Mr Blair has been 'hit' by six ministerial resignations, one must immediately add that they're all fairly 'Er - who ?' figures. Even so, their resignation letters make striking reading, and Tony Blair's response - both the letter sent to Tom Watson and the remarks to the Press about 'just going to sack him myself' and 'disloyal, discourteous and wrong' (now what does that order of priorities say ?) - don't suggest that he's quite 'got it' yet. It must be said - these are not 'the usual suspects' at all.

The BBC helpfully gives an overview of 'who's signing what', while one wonders whether to congratulate Labour on their openness compared to Tory or Lib Dem leadership plotting, or weep for them. Nick Assinder's comments are worth reading. Most of the 'runners and riders' need not be taken seriously - and if that memo wasn't a hoax ... ?!


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